I’m losing my mind. I have 1 top level array, (2) nested arrays in (2) different modules.
1st Array - PDF.co - LineItems.
2nd Array - ServiceTitan - Data
3rdd Array - ServiceTitan - Items
I need to combine this arrays in whichever way possible. I have tried iterating / aggregating till I’m blue in the face and I can’t get it work. The end goal is to feed this into an API to receive a purchase order in.
As far as required fields in final aggregation, I can figure that out after we get the workflow working. The minimum is ITEM_ID, SHIPPING, UNIT_COST, skuID, description, id, vendorpartNumber, id [data] array.
servicetitan.json (6.5 KB)
blueprint (3).json (85.3 KB)
PDF Invoice.json (6.1 KB)