Hi all,
I can’t see a match for this question in previous posts so I’m hoping someone can point me in the right direction.
I have a Google Sheet with a column of URLs (68 of them) and I want the HTTP - Make a Request Module to request each of those URLs listed in the column. I’ve tried a few ways and am receiving different errors in the HTTP module. I can’t see what I’m doing wrong.
The data output pulling through from the Google Sheet - Search Rows module is good. And then I have tried ‘http://’ followed by the mapped column letter in the sheet but it doesn’t work. Images attached.
Any help would be great. Thanks!
You should not also put the URL in the header field. Only in the URL field.
As you can see in the error, the header field expects an array (a set of values). Not a single value. If you uncheck “Map” you will get the option to define individual header items. This is only in case you need to define specific headers. Here is a list of commonly used header options: List of HTTP header fields - Wikipedia
P.S. Always try to focus on the exact error message. A lot of users just say there is an error and focus on the part they find difficult while the error text pointed towards a totally different thing. Yes it’s not always complete, but most of the times it gives you good pointers.