List Transactions

I am currently using the “List Transactions” module in my integration setup to retrieve transaction details. While I can successfully fetch transaction data, including the Shipping Profile ID, I am unable to retrieve the associated shipping address using this information. The shipping address field in the response remains empty.

Here are the details of my issue:

  • Module Used: List Transactions
  • Field Available: Shipping Profile ID
  • Expected Outcome: Retrieve the shipping address associated with the Shipping Profile ID.
  • Actual Outcome: The shipping address field is empty, even when a valid Shipping Profile ID is present in the transaction details.

Could you please confirm whether it is possible to retrieve the shipping address using the Shipping Profile ID? If yes, I would appreciate any guidance or additional steps required to achieve this.

Thank you for your support. Please let me know if further details or screenshots are needed.

Best regards,