Looking for a Make.com Freelancer to Help with Customer Projects

Any Make.com freelancers out there who know some German? I am offering automation services with Make.com automations - later maybe n8n too - for German speaking customers. So, knowledge of German language would be a plus. I am getting too many enquiries to do it all myself.


We know german language as we are from The Netherlands, also, we have a discount for the first month.

feel free to schedule a meeting:

Hello @Magganpice,

I saw your post and wanted to reach out. I’m an experienced Automation Specialist skilled in Make.com and N8N, and I have a German-speaking team member who can help with translation and client communication.

If you’re looking for support in handling automation projects while ensuring smooth communication with German-speaking clients, I’d love to collaborate. Feel free to reach out via DM or email at Holinessonyemaechi@gmail.com or book a call with me here: Calendly.

Looking forward to your thoughts!


Holiness Onyemaechi

I specifically am looking for individual human freelancers (with faces), not agencies.

Hello @Magganpice ,welcome to the make community, I am a solo freelancer and I would love to work with you on this, you can book a call Here to discuss the project requirements and you can checkout my fiverr account Here

Hey @Magganpice send me a DM here: wa.me/50685109841 Would love to help you :slight_smile:
I’m well versed in Make, N8N and Zapier.

Hey @Magganpice
Anshul this side, i have attached my resume and upwork profile below, do let me know i am a perfect for this job.

Upwork - https://www.upwork.com/freelancers/~013aa6d01f2f693753?viewMode=1
Resume - automation resume - Google Docs

Hey @Magganpice we don’t speak german, but if you are still looking for some additional help building your scenarios, we would love to help you out.

We are a small team of make.com experts and have developed plenty of complex integrations. This project should not be a challenge to us.

If you are interested we would love to help you, you can schedule a call in here: 30 Min Meeting | Felipe Saucedo | Cal.com or check our website www.aspirity.com