Looking for a Pro

I’m looking for a person who could optimise a simple scenario. Basically what it does right now is it’s checking a few folders in FTP and than it moves those files to Google Drive. I made this scenario myself but I know there is a lot of space to improve it. In case you can help me to optimise, just let me know your price.

Hello @Saidas, welcome to the make.com community, we are a group of freelancers and would love to work with you on this, you can book a call Here to disscuss the project requirements and you can checkout my upwork profile Here

Thank you, I booked a call for tomorrow.

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Hi @Saidas,

We’d be happy to have a look at your scenario to see how it can be improved according to your needs.

Please feel free to reach out to us via our website - Contact Us - Siliceous Solutions - World Class Support or schedule a video for a discovery consultation here - Increase Productivity with Workflow Automation by Siliceous Solutions.


Hi @Saidas I would love to help you with your scenario. If you are still looking for help we would love to assist you :slight_smile:

We are a small team of make.com experts and have developed plenty of complex integrations. This project should not be a challenge to us.

If you are interested we would love to help you, you can schedule a call in here: 30 Min Meeting | Felipe Saucedo | Cal.com or check our website www.aspirity.com