Manage delegates on Google accounts

Hi all

So i am trying to get a scenario working, so i can configure delegates on users mailboxes.
The user case here is, the user finishes with the company, and we give their assigned manage delegate access, to manage any emails coming in once they have left.

I have configured a Connection to the Google APIs using a OAuth 2.0 connection, based off a mix of

Currently, i’m just trying to read who has delegate access to my account, using this request - & Redirect uri mismatch error

(This just shows some of the scopes, i basically added them ALL for the GMail API)

And this works fine, for a scenario such as reading my own vacation settings (Method: users.settings.getVacation  |  Gmail  |  Google for Developers)
Screenshot 2024-07-22 at 3.44.59 PM

Screenshot 2024-07-22 at 3.45.11 PM

So…my connection works, and i have working scopes etc.

But when i try and read who has delegate access to my account (I have added a colleague as a test)
Screenshot 2024-07-22 at 3.46.22 PM

It fails with a 403, and the detailed error reads. “Access restricted to service accounts that have been delegated domain-wide authority”

I have configured a Google Project previously for a mail migration where i had to create the Google Cloud Project, and create a service account for it to use. Then give this service-account “Domain Wide Delegation” (

But…can you add this with a OAuth Client ID? The error reads “Access restricted to service accounts that have been delegated domain-wide authority” which makes me think, you can’t do it with a OAuth Client ID.
I have added my OAuth Client ID to domain wide delegation, with all the same scopes, but…no change so far

If anyone has done anything similar, i’d appreciate it. Again, aim is to be able to automate adding delegates, but for now i am just trying to read my current delegates, because if i can’t get that working, i’m stuck anyway.