Multi line text from json string in data storage keeps retrieving as empty

Hi I have a scenario that is strong a long list of calendly questions and answers that is being converted to a json string and then stored in a data storage as multi line text.

I know this is being successfully stored because I’m checking the data storage, however whenever I’m going to retrieve this variable of the multline text it keeps appearing as empty, and yes I am successfully accessing the correct data storage because all of the other variable values are accessible.

Does anyone know why this is happening?


There isn’t enough information here. Please provide a screenshot of your scenario, especially the DB retrieving module and its configuration.

What stands out to me is this:

whenever I’m going to retrieve this variable of the multiline text, it keeps appearing as empty.

Are you parsing your JSON string from the datastore?

Have a nice day!

This is the scenario its a bit of a mess but I was experimenting to try and sort out the multi line text variable to be usable with some custom javascript code.

The db module is being retrieved basically using a key value and that is working correctly, I’ve tried parsing to json the multi line/long string and not doing and in debug modes it keeps appearing as empty still so it doesn’t work. However as mentioned there is a value in the database, that looks similar to this:

[{"answer":"[REDACTED]","position":0,"question":"Telephone"},{"answer":"web","position":1,"question":"Your business website (if you don't have one please type no website). "},{"answer":"$20,000 to $50,000","position":2,"question":"From your business, what is the range of your monthly income? "},{"answer":"[REDACTED]","position":3,"question":"What's your monthly income goal?"},{"answer":"[REDACTED]","position":4,"question":"What’s the #1 biggest obstacle holding you back from hitting your revenue goal? (don’t skip this part, we need to know as much as possible to help you best)"},{"answer":"Yes, of course!","position":5,"question":"Have you got a working funnel setup?"},{"answer":"[REDACTED]","position":6,"question":"Have you used Facebook ads before? If so, what was your experience?"},{"answer":"Absolutely! I have the means and I'm ready to take things to the next level.","position":7,"question":"Are you at a stage where investing in your business is a possibility?"},{"answer":"Without a doubt! I'm all in with my business, ready to invest and grow quickly.","position":8,"question":"If I were to advise a monthly ad budget of at least $500 to meet your financial goals, would you say:"},{"answer":"I recognize that if I don't have a funnel in place, there might be costs involved in repairing or constructing it, to ensure that we can direct traffic to it.","position":9,"question":"Final note:"}]
I replaced personal info with redacted.

This data was originally from a calendly form and the questions I converted to a json string so it could be stored in the data storage because I had issues whenever I tried to store it as an array or anything else.

So now I’m trying to retrieve the above example that is stored as a long string and it keeps saying it’s empty when it isn’t.

Turns out having the variable in the data storage with caused the issue it was originally called Questions And Answers , changing the name to questionsAndAnswers in the datastorage fixed the issue.