Multipart: NextPart: EOF

Is it possible to use a form data on
So i have this body “headers”: {
“Authorization”: “Bearer {{connection.apiKey}}”,
“Content-Type”: “multipart/form-data; boundary=----CustomBoundary98765xyz”
“body”: {
“formData”: {
“file”: “{{parameters.audio_file}}”,
“model”: “whisper-large-v3”,
“temperature”: “{{parameters.temperature}}”,
“response_format”: “{{parameters.response_format}}”,
“language”: “{{parameters.language}}”
}, and this error “headers”: {
“Authorization”: “Bearer {{connection.apiKey}}”,
“Content-Type”: “multipart/form-data; boundary=----CustomBoundary98765xyz”
“body”: {
“formData”: {
“file”: “{{parameters.audio_file}}”,
“model”: “whisper-large-v3”,
“temperature”: “{{parameters.temperature}}”,
“response_format”: “{{parameters.response_format}}”,
“language”: “{{parameters.language}}”
}, How can i fix it or how can i send formData on

Hello @Samandar_Jumanov,

Yes, with an HTTP module you can use form data by selecting Multipart/form-data under Body Type option:

I believe in this case Make will use its own boundary so you don’t need to worry about that parameter.

I’ll let others jump in to confirm or deny.

Is this a question about Custom Apps or HTTP Modules?
Where exactly are you trying to use this form data, what app or module?

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