Multiple wordpress websites and connections

Hello everyone!

I have created scenario to create posts on Wordpress mapping data from a board on
It’s great and it’s working perfectly.

I would like to use it for multiple websites now.
Is there a way to use a dynamic connection? Everything would be based on Monday’s item.

I would prefer not to use a router, there are hundreds of websites and there will be more.

Thank you!

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Hi @mikhal,

Yes, you can add a router before the WordPress module and then add different WordPress modules for each of your websites, with unique connections for each module based on the specific WordPress site.

Best regards,

Msquare Automation
Platinum Partner of Make

Thank you, that’s what i did, the problem is that I have now connected and mapped more then 60 websites, and there are more to add :woozy_face:
Furthermore, after creating the post I update the original monday’s item, and if I’ll need to add more columns ti update in the future, it will be a lot of work.