Need help creating an array from a list from an article

Say that I search for a list of top 10 university, and it shows an article with the list.

for instance:
Here is the top 10 university in the world:

  1. University A -
  2. University B -
  3. University C -
  4. University D -

Please note that this data is not properly updated.

then in Make, I would like to get all the link as an array or list, so that I can use Iterator to split all the link and list it one by one.

please help meee. Thank youu!

Welcome to the Make community!

If the page is always going to be at the same URL and list is formatted the same way, please provide the URL of the page here.


Hey @Jo_Su
I got an amazing solution
give this article to the chatgpt Transform Text into structured data module
This helps you do the job

I created a mock article with the same type of configuration you had and it gave me all the links in the article

blueprint (5).json (38.7 KB)


something like this:

Just want to get the name of the university in top 10 in order.

it works perfectly! Thank you so much!


Do you know why I asked for the website?

So you can actually just get the data directly from it.

1. Get data

Here is the data endpoint:

All you need to fetch this data is to call this endpoint using the HTTP “Make a request” module:

2. Format data

Iterate array


Aggregate to text



(to reduce this to top 10, change the URL in the first module)