Notion automation is failing and will get disabled

I am looking for a way to check a API for URL shortener ( to update a field in notion which will come as a result from This automation should only be triggered when a checkbox (Update LinkID) field in the notion DB is checked.
Clear request is only run API call for that line in the DB where Update LinkID is checked.

My automation looks like:

A Notion “Search Object” with a limit of 100 and the filter:
Update LinkID (Checkbox) is checked
URL URL is not empty

So I only wanna get results from these items.
The automation runs every day at 7 AM but on these days where no DB entry has the Checkbox checked it fails and will disable the automation.

How can I avoid this failure and the fact that it will disable the automation

Which module fails? If it’s the HTTP request due to empty values from “search objects”, you could add a filter between “search objects” and HTTP for “total number of bundles” “number - greater than” 0

Please use error handlers such as “Break” to manage errors in runtime scenarios. If any module encounters an error, it will handle it appropriately.

Additionally, you can add a filter between the search object and the HTTP make request module like this:

According to this filter, whenever no database entry has the checkbox checked, the scenario will not proceed further and will stop. This ensures that the scenario will not fail or become disabled.

Please check this, and if you like my answer, please mark this solution as solved.

I will give it a try wiht the “Total number of bundles” Many thanks.