Notion Search Object + Date Filter = New Case unresolved


Starting to use Make (already checked all similar topic), my first goal is the following one:

I have a button as a property of a item database in Notion. The button activates a webhook, the webhook activates a scenario of Search Object in a Notion database. The idea is to find the last edited item in the data (that would be the one on which I just clicked on the button).

As it is the same webhook for all item of the database, my current idea (feel free to suggest anything different) is to use Notion Search Object + a date filter linked to the property “Database Item Last edited Time”


I tried every filter, see below 2 examples:

And I get the same error every time

The operation failed with an error. [400] body failed validation. Fix one: body.filter.or[0].last_edited_time.equals should be defined, instead was undefined. body.filter.or[0].last_edited_time.before should be defined, instead was undefined. body.filter.or[0].last_edited_time.after should be defined, instead was undefined. body.filter.or[0].last_edited_time.on_or_before should be defined, instead was undefined. body.filter.or[0].last_edited_time.on_or_after should be defined, instead was undefined. body.filter.or[0].last_edited_time.this_week should be defined, instead was undefined. body.filter.or[0].last_edited_time.past_week should be defined, instead was undefined. body.filter.or[0].last_edited_time.past_month should be defined, instead was undefined. body.filter.or[0].last_edited_time.past_year should be defined, instead was undefined. body.filter.or[0].last_edited_time.next_week should be defined, instead was undefined. body.filter.or[0].last_edited_time.next_month should be defined, instead was undefined. body.filter.or[0].last_edited_time.next_year should be defined, instead was undefined. body.filter.or[0].last_edited_time.is_empty should be defined, instead was undefined. body.filter.or[0].last_edited_time.is_not_empty should be defined, instead was undefined.

I checked other forum topic with the same error however solutions suggested didn’t fixed the problem.
Do you know what is the format of Notion date and what is the format that is accepted by Make ? Is there a better/smartest way to search for the last updated object of a database ?

My main point is to understand and then to find a solution :smiley:

Well in case it could be interesting for other, I changed the philosophy:

Indeed, I discovered that webhook can also provide id of the Notion Database Item so I changed Notion Search Object Module by Notion Get Database Item Module providing id from Webhook.

It is clearly more reliable that looking to last edited time filter.


That’s interesting. Can you provide a screenshot of the final filter mappings? This can help others facing similar issues with Notion.