Open AI File deletion by API

Hello everyone, I want to delete a file inside of my vector store after usage.
I tried this :

But it returns a 404 error message. I tried adding a body, adding {} int the url or adding query strings but i get the same answer.
The file ID is something like file-ā€¦ .
Can you explain me how iā€™m supposed to talk to the API to delete the file?

I have another question, Is it possible to remove an old file among the others in the storage containing a character chain in the title?

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You inserted an Absolute (full) URL into the URL field.

If you read the description below it, it says

Enter a path relative ā€¦ for example ā€¦

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Thanks man, reading your message made me understand what a relative path is.
I learned what a relative path is (I had to write only v1/files/fileID in url (for the others) ), how to set up my Open AI API calls, and my scenario is now finished.