Output from GPT is several bundles going into Google sheet

Hello, i read here all the time, thank you.

My prompt to call an assistant is “create X number fashion tips with descriptions” (simple version don’t hate…lol) and it returns X number of bundles, i want to save them in google sheet. i cannot figure out the next module. my previous work around was to have a repeater before the GPT module and the the X number would populate the repeater and then i could get the output from GTP into google sheets, this cost operations… new version is less

please and thank you… in advanced. i really tried to solve myself with iterator aggregator and cussing…

ps i am using --JSON output in this format:


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Hi @EasyShare_Facebook_A and welcome to the Make Community!

From what I understand. you probabbly need an iterator and an aggregator.

You can find more information about them here: