Paid order for a scenario to Upscale photos using Midjourney's UserAPI

we will commission the preparation of a full scenario for upscaling photos using UserAPI.AI Midjourney or another tool that will allow you to connect to Midjourney and upscaling photos.
Scenario plan:

  1. connecting to OneDrive (or Google Cloud Storage),
  2. downloading all files to be upsized from the specified folder on OneDrive,
  3. connecting to UserAPI,
  4. upscaling the downloaded photos from point 2,
  5. saving them to another specified folder on OneDrive (or Google Cloud Storage)
    In short, we want to upload the files that we want to upscale using Midjourney to a specific folder on OneDrive/Google Storage and then save these upscaling photos back to OneDrive to the specified folder.

Hi there,

Some questions:

  1. Are there specific file formats or size limitations for the photos you’d like to upscale from OneDrive/Google Cloud Storage?
  2. Regarding the connection to UserAPI and Midjourney, do you already have API keys set up, or would setting this up be part of the project?
  3. For the saving location on OneDrive/Google Storage, should the upscaled photos retain the original file names, or would any renaming or additional metadata (e.g., size, resolution) be required?

Let’s have a short call about it:

Hello @AutomationMagics , welcome to the community, we are a group of freelancers and would love to work with you on this, you can book a call Here to disscuss the project requirements and you can checkout my upwork profile Here

1 - no, there is no limitations for formats or size. But we usually make a .png or .jpg images,
2 - yep, we have all the keys and API connection, but it’s not working,
3 - in first step we take images from folder X and in the last step, there will be a new another folder, f.e. Y, so images may have the same file name.

Hi @AutomationMagics,

We can definitely assist with this project. What needs to be discussed further is how you would like to trigger the scenario.

Please feel free to reach out to us via our website - Contact Us - Siliceous Solutions - World Class Support or schedule a video for a discovery consultation here - Increase Productivity with Workflow Automation by Siliceous Solutions.


Hi @AutomationMagics I would love to help you with this scenario.

We are a small team of experts and have developed plenty of complex integrations. This project should not be a challenge to us.

If you are interested we would love to help you, you can schedule a call in here: 30 Min Meeting | Felipe Saucedo | or check our website