Pause a scenario waiting for a module to finish before proceeding


I am trying to create a google sheet from template and then add rows to the new sheet. When I run it in an isolated scenario, see Isolated scenario Blueprint below
Isolated scenario blueprint.json (89.2 KB)

However, when I put it in to the full scenario, it keeps creating one sheet for each record created through iteration, see below. How can I pause it after module 14 to let it finish creating the records before continuing to the spreadsheets, or is there another way for me to create one google sheet and then add the multiple records to it?
Full scenario blueprint.json (254.1 KB)

Thank you for your assisantce

I solved it, I had to put the “create google sheet from template” before the itirator, otherwise it is going to create as many sheets as you have itirations! Duh, so obvious really. I hope it helps some lost soul out there. :smiley:


Hi @Christopher_Lembke :wave:

I just wanted to quickly step in and say congrats on getting this up and running :clap:

Sometimes it’s the simplest things do the trick, right? Thanks a lot for circling back to the community and letting us know what eventually helped. As you said, this could be incredibly helpful for many others searching for similar info. :pray:

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