Pinecone Query - Does it work?

Has anyone actually got the query function to work on make? as a RAG style function? When you use pinecone to search the vector data base it finds multiple of the most similar results, this is great, and it produces it as a list of bundles. Within these bundles you can use the metadata to abstract out the text you want instead of just the embeddings. The issues is that when you link this to anything like openai and you try to abstract out the outputs from pinecone, i currently cant abstract out all of the buddlle outputs, you have an option

Image of the bundles (if you expand the meta data you get the context)

Here you can get the content of the metadata, although it only lets you take the contect from the first bundle, and not all bundles together:

It does rerun on a repeat but taking each bundle one at a time, which doesnt work on building a RAG style application,
Has anyone every built a system using pinecone for more than one return at a time is this possible? and if so how do you do this, all help much appreciated. Thanks