Problems creating a thumbnail from pdf with pdf4me

Hello Makers,

I have problems creating a thumbnail with pdf4me.
Ill show you.

The error says: " DataError - Invalid module output. Expected Object, but found Array."
The only array I see is the Page =1 setting. But is it more like input parameter not output?
How to handle this issue. Any ideas?

Thanks so much

@cahore At the “Page number” you have the “Map” option set on true. Make sure you disable this and then select the page number.
Most likely the API expects a specific object (not sure how this object looks), and the value you are giving now would be “1” inside of an array.

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@Bjorn.drivn Thanks but I tried this so often. No matter if its mapped or not the error is the same.

Looks like this could be a bug with the PDF4me module, looking at the API docs; PDF4me API Documentation - Image

Please create a support ticket so this can be solved.

Ok here is the answer from the PDF4me support. It should look like this.
Bildschirm­foto 2023-01-25 um 13.02.55

Finally it works well.

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Hi @cahore, thank you so much for stepping back into the community in order to share what you found out! We 100% appreciate this :pray: