Random RSS FEED item selected within date range

Working scenerio using RSS feed to post to social media.

The scenerio works as intended.

It takes the RSS feed that i choose, and posts the latest item in the feed to the selected platforms

But i need the RSS feed to be randomized within a specified date range.

For example, i need one item from the last 7 days randomly selected and posted to my social media feed.

There is more detail and screen shots at this link

$10 bounty for the correct syntax, paypal or cashapp


@Ryan_Thompson1, follow the steps here

Use the “Get RSS feed items” module to retrieve all items from your chosen RSS feed.
Date Filter: Apply a filter to limit the items to those published within the last 7 days.
Array Aggregator: Use an Array Aggregator to compile the filtered items into an array.
Random Selection: use the {{get(shuffle()}}to get a random one

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I don’t see the option for “random selection” or the input field to apply the “{{get(shuffle()}}” syntax.

Can you illustrate? Or post JSON output?


here is how it is


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Thanks for that, I am still getting some errors, I’ve posted the errors, and the solutions that I have been given so far at this link:

I am getting closer.

Any suggestions?

You didn’t use the correct function I gave in the loom video

BUMP- Still working on this. Still offering a bounty for the working JSON file.

My progress so far is here: Selecting a random article from RSS feed and posting to external system v2 - #12 by Ryan_Thompson1

My current JSON file is here.

blueprint random rss posting.json (74.5 KB)

Hello @Ryan_Thompson1 let’s just fix this over a call here is my calendly Link

Im in the Philippines, and about a half day ahead of you…
I have everything working but the aggregation. I am so frusterated.
I wish I could just pay someone to fix it for me.

I’ll check fiverr, if I can’t find someone there, I’ll try to find a date that works for both of us on your calendar

Hello @Ryan_Thompson1 , you can book anytime there I work anytime, i am also on fiverr here is my account Here

Try this

No luck. But I’ll pay someone just to finish the JSON file and upload it.