I’m creating a RSS feed to custom blog generator. I have it fully working it pulls a article from a rss feed and it creates a blog from that article. What I’m trying to do is have like 5 RSS feeds and have it randomly choose a RSS feed and use that feed to make the daily blog.
How can I have 5 RSS feeds select one at random and then have the next upstream module pull the data from that RSS feed and not one of the other 4 RSS feeds.
My current build is as follows
RSS Feed > Open AI Create Blog Title > Open AI Create Image prompt > Open AI to create image > Open AI to create blog from rss feed > Wordpress image upload > Wordpress create post
What I would like is
RSS Feed 1
RSS Feed 2
RSS Feed 3
RSS Feed 4
RSS Feed 5
Some module to randomly pick between RSS feed 1 and 5 then feed that data to the next upstreem module -----> Open AI Create Blog Title > Open AI Create Image prompt > Open AI to create image > Open AI to create blog from rss feed > Wordpress image upload > Wordpress create post
Thanks for the response. I still can’t figure out how to setup it up so multiple RSS feeds go to one tool for random RSS feed. You can’t have more then one RSS feed attached it will not let me attach two. I have tried to connect it to my main stream and I have tried to connect it to my tool to set a veriable number and again it only allows one connection. I did get two RSS feeds to a router but could not figure out how to get that to work either cause both RSS feeds do not show up at the tool to select it when a random number is picked.
THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! - That was the ticket I was able to have 8 RSS feeds and can add more in the future. It worked like a charm.
Another question for you now that I have more then one topic for one flow I need to figure out how to put the blog in to the correct category. In the wordpress create post module you can statically set the category, or you can click map but I can’t seem to figure out how to take the title in the rss feed and map each of the 8 RSS feeds to a category.
Do I need to set a variable or something. Been tinkering all morning with it but can’t seem to figure it out.
Well I thought it was working but the RSS feed just keep doing the same blog over and over again it never gets a new random number so it pulls from a different feed the next time I run it. I can’t fiture out how to get the random number to change.
if you use a spreadsheet or so, you need to provide an filter on it, or what I do, update a cell with the value “handled”, so you can filter out, that the workflow only handle the records, which aren’t been processed.
I actually used the Set Variable to list the RSS feeds and I used the Random number generator for the random number and connected that to the RSS feed tool. the last example you put in your video.
I did a quick video to show you what I have setup so far.
I figured it out my formula in the random generator was not correct I need a few more parenthesis in the mix and now it works. Here is a screen shot of the new formula
I’m working on the categories and I can’t figure this one out. I used the search categories to get all my cats off the wordpress and I created a multi variable mod with all my cats and their ID number. and I’m trying to create a If Then statment in a 2 multi variable module to pick the cat from the list based on the RSS feed that was picked int he RandomNumber generator. I have been watch some youtube vids on if then in make.com but still not getting it.
Am I on the right track here and how would I finish this if then statement or is there a better and easier way. I just want the category to be selected based on what feed it choose in the beginning of the flow.