Regexextract #hasthtags

Hi, I tried Parse to extract hashtags but as adviced, It creates one record for each #hashtag.

Adding rows to a Google Sheets having in a column for example a text:

“Most of #apples are #red and they have #antioxidants. Trust me.”

I need:

#apples #red #antioxidants

My formula is =regexextract(B1,“#[a-zíó].+”) but extracts all the sentence
Any advice?

Did you try to put a “text aggregator” behind the Regex ?

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Yes, but It still add one row for each hashtag. I will go on trying within MAKE.

Meanwhile I found this solution:

Input: Most of #apples are #red and they have #antioxidants. Trust me."

Formula: Regexreplace(regexreplace(B1,“(#[a-zíó]+)|(.)”,“$1 “),”\s+”," ")
Result: #apples #red #antioxidants

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That’s weird. Usually it aggregates all the text into one variable and only one operation → only one row.

But that’s great! It’s what you needed, right?

YEP! Thank you for your help