Remove all urls from text

What are you trying to achieve?

I have a text that contains several urls with square brackets at the beginning and end, for example: []. They always have https and www, and what I need is to return the same text but removing all the urls.

Steps taken so far

I tried “match elements” module with http pattern, then an array aggregator, and finally a repeater with length array to replace url found with emptystring and output the last text, but it´s not working well.

Hi @Juan_Manuel_Montanez
Try the following formula with replace function to replace all the contents inside square brackets:
{{replace("sample text with links[]and[link 2] "; “/[(.*?)]/g”; emptystring)}}
Best regards,

Msquare Automation
Gold Partner of Make

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Hi @Msquare_Automation

Thanks in advance, i can´t got it, i copy variable value from your image and text output is the same that original.

I attach blueprint for your help.

blueprint.json (45.4 KB)

Hi @Juan_Manuel_Montanez
Here is the corrected bluprint:
blueprint (19).json (59.4 KB)
Best regards,

Msquare Automation
Gold Partner of Make


The solution was fine.

P.S: GoogleSheet throw me error! in text :frowning:

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