HI there IntegroMakers
I’m trying to remove a Backtick (`) from the beginning of a string and no matter what i can’t remove it:
The input is:`Makers
Using the replace Function:
Returning: `Makers
Using “” gives the same result
I trying to use the Text Parser: Replace Module with Regex but getting “nullMakers”
Best if I could simply use the Replace function… This backtick is so stubborn…
In the last parameter of the built-in replace function, you need to use {{emptystring}}
You cannot omit or leave it empty as it is a required parameter.
For more information, see https://www.make.com/en/help/functions/string-functions#replace--text--search-string--replacement-string-
December 1, 2023, 10:23am
Another Bingo @samliew
IF only it was written in the link that we need to use {{emptrystring]}}
December 1, 2023, 12:35pm
If you want to learn more about Make, you can read up in the Help Center . I also recommend doing the tutorials in the Make Academy , and learn advanced skills like how to make custom apps to any API in the Make Partner Training Portal - both have certificates for successful completion.
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