Retrieve from Make Database not returning a record


I have a simple scenario that starts with a webhook, then attempts to retrieve a record from a Make datastore, then using the result of that lookup, populates an email.

I tested the “Retrieve Record” module by running it alone, using a key from the Make data table, and received a proper response:

But when the full scenario runs – I see the. proper input, but no record is returned:

Attached are the output json’s if that’s helpful.

retrievedb.json (74 Bytes)
webhook-emailvalidation.json (65 Bytes)
blueprint (10).json (8.6 KB)
*Sanitized the blueprint.json slightly to remove confidential info

So…once again, I think I solved myself. Looks like it didn’t like the long key I was using (was using the uuid from another scenario). I shortened the key, and its working as expected now!


Hey there @Brian-HFLA :wave:

Congratulations on the great work you did while battling this problem of yours! :clap: It is amazing to see the progress you’re making.

Thank you very much for returning here with your solution. We deeply appreciate that you kept us in mind and informed us about the progress. This way we keep our community healthy and neat not only for ourselves but for others as well.

Keep up the amazing job! :gift:

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