Searching for Chinese names in Onedrive

Good day,

I’m trying to use the OneDrive Module: “Search Files/Folders” to search for a Folder Name that has a Chinese name.

It works well when I search for English values (Folder name in English), but returns no results when the value is in Chinese, even if I use the EncodeURL function to convert 中国 to %E4%B8%AD%E5%9B%BD (Ascii URL values), for example…

@vyavasthapak Thank you very much, do you think it could be done with the Make Module “Make an API Call” ?

@OmriNyx This user @vyavasthapak is using ChatGPT to answer questions. We cannot use ChatGPT to answer questions on this forum, because ChatGPT has no knowledge of Make’s capabilities, functions, apps, and modules.

Not only that, as you can see, ChatGPT is providing an alternate “example” that has completely nothing to do with using Make’s apps and modules.

Here’s a Power Automate example using the HTTP action to call the Microsoft Graph API for searching items in a specific drive:

Sure, will keep this topic open to see of someone has Make-based solutions

Just to update:

  1. The Make team was able to reproduce this issue and they are checking it… :woman_factory_worker:

  2. A possible workaround is to leave the Query empty then filter the results. The downside is when there are a lot of results, like in my case there would be probably a few hundreds, I feel its not necessary. Although if there are not many results, this is a great workaround. :walking_man: :arrow_right_hook:

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For the sake of closing this thread, the workaround i found is to omit the search query from the module, then filter the results in the next module. Its not very efficient but does the job.

Make has recognized the bug and supposed to fix it…


Thanks for letting us know what you did as a workaround.

Some bugs are harder to fix than others :slight_smile: