Send OpenAI response to specific WhatsApp number based on OpenAI response

Hi all, I have a scenario which pushes a whatsapp enquiry to a chatgpt assistant. The assistant has been taught all the aspects of our businesses and responds accordingly. I now want to be able to forward specific responses from OpenAI to a team member or email. For example - a guest makes a request such us “please can someone contact me - I think I forgot my sunglasses there.” ChatGPT would inform the guest that there message has been forwarded and then send a copy of the message to a specified number or email address.

Any help would be appreciated.


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Hi @Ken_Walton,

To achieve something like this, what you can do is train the assistant to analyze the text and categorize it into the required actions to take.

Here is an example :

Here, what we have used is that we want the assistant to perform different actions depending on the case, so we trained the assistant with different cases to analyze the text and categorize it into different brackets.

Best regards,

Msquare Automation
Platinum Partner of Make