Send video from Telegram to Google Drive using (multiple videos 1gb)


If I want to send videos regularly (from 200MB to 1000MB) per video from Telegram to Google Drive, will that be possible?

Or is there a limit of 100MB for the file size?

And will it take into account data transfer of 5GB, which will fill up quickly?

Yes, but you will have to use the “Upload the content in multiple chunks” method, which is very advanced to implement in Make.

For more information, see Upload file data  |  Google Drive  |  Google for Developers

Yes, all Downloads and Uploads are both counted into your monthly quota.

So if you download a 1GB file, and then upload a 1GB file, you are already using 2GB of your data transfer quota.

Did you know, this forum has a Hire a Pro category, where you can post your request for off-site specialised help on other platforms (video call/screenshare/private messaging/etc.)? This may help you get your issue resolved faster especially if it is urgent. It is important to post your request in the Hire a Pro category, as forum members are not allowed to advertise their services (even offer FREE assistance to help) in other categories like here. Once you have posted in the Hire a Pro category, that will allow other members to provide booking links to our calendars for a free consultation and video assistance (including screen share).

Hope this helps! Let me know if there are any further questions or issues.


P.S.: Investing some effort into the Make Academy will save you lots of time and frustration using Make.