Sendgrid Email Auto Send

Hello All,

I am trying to get an email to auto send via sendgrid in a few various scenarios. in the first one the error I keep getting is that the content feild is empty but I am using a dynamic template so I am not sure how to remedy this issue, any help would be greatly appreciated

As you can see I have the template ID pasted correctly so not sure why or what I need to put in the content field

Sorry here are the images snipping tool had an issue

As you can see the error and its resolution is given in the same sentence. It says to put the content of at least one character so you can type any single character to get rid of this error.

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Hi. In your image you are selecting the “No Dynamic Template Data”. So you must send the content (text or html).

Thanks, Helio!
If you have questions reach out :wink:

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