Sending additional form data (IP adress and source URL) to a webhook (Contact Form 7)

I would like to push some (additional) data to a webhook from a form but how do I know how I tag this information properly in the JSON formatted field, does anybody have an idea how to tag this exactly?

I want to hidden fields, the IP adress and the source URL from which the form was submitted, according to Contact Form 7 documentation I need these 2 placeholders:

  • List item


So I guess it needs to be like this:

    "your-name": "??????",
    "email": "??????",
    "telefoonnummer": "??????",
    "onderwerp": "??????",
    "bericht": "??????",
    "_url": "??????",
    "_remote_ip": "??????"

But how do I adjust the code in the “data to webhook” field exactly?

Thank you!

I added this code but it triggers a configuration error

<!-- Correctly set up hidden fields for IP and URL -->
[dynamichidden user-ip "CF7_get_custom_field key='_remote_ip'"]
[dynamichidden page-url "CF7_get_custom_field key='_url'"]

I have added the meta keys allow list under “Dynamic text extension

but the warning persists. Not sure if im heading in the right direction with this.

May need to add additional shortcodes to my theme under the functions.php