Sending XML in custom application HTTP request


I’m creating a custom app and trying to send an XML payload.
When I use a “Make a request” module from HTTP application it works well, and the request body from Integromat DevTools looks like this:

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?> <user....

In my custom application I have a field for request content defined in mappable parameters:
“label”: “Request content”,
“name”: “content”,
“type”: “text”
When I use it in Communication tab of the same module:
“body”: “{{parameters.content}}”,
I get this in my request:
"<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>\n\n <user…

It seems that the request content is being taken from my “content” field, new line characters are converted to \n and additionaly it is wrapped in double quotes.

Does anybody knows how to get rid of this behaviour?


Please provide a screenshot of this part:


Here you are

I think you gotta talk to Make support for this one, it’s a design choice the devs made while making this tool early on, and the DevTool doesn’t seem to be actively maintained.

For quicker assistance with bugs and technical problems, you may want to contact support directly. They respond very quickly and update you frequently on the status of their investigation.

Hope you can share the resolution with us if you manage to solve this problem!


It seems that by default there is directive “type” set to “json”.
When you set this to any other valid value, the problem doesn’t exist.
For example I set in Module’s Communication tab:
“type”: “string”,
and that was it.