Set a variable to a google drive directory path

I am using get folder ID for path and I want to accept a path from a set variable. My question is, what format is the value for the variable. I tried what seems obvious, I even tried inserting spaces by the forward slashes but neither worked. I even tried placing the value in quotes, I am sure it is super simple but I cant find it in the docs.

Use the Google Drive “Get a Folder ID for a Path” module.

Hope this helps! Let me know if there are any further questions or issues.


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Yes and I do this, i actually want to pass a directory path sourced from a google sheet, in this instance the directory does not exist and so there is no id until i create the folder, is there no wat to build a folder path as a string that I can then use in the google drive module that I can hold in a variable sourced from a spreadsheet or anywhere else ? My test is here so you get my aim.

Thanks in advance

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