Set up permissions on new Google Sheets field

I have just started using Make, and I am trying to accomplish the following workflow:

  1. Watch a Google Sheets spreadsheet containing a list of users, identified by their email address
  2. Create a copy of a template spreadsheet for that user on Google Drive
  3. Change the permissions on the copied spreadsheet to allow the new user the ability to write to that spreadsheet.

I have accomplished most of this, but am failing on changing permissions. I am trying to use the Google Drive - Update a File / Folder Access action. I have found the documentation on this action.

There’s nothing in that documentation that indicates what should go into the Permission Name of that action. It’s not clear to me how to specify the name of the user who should be given the specified Role.

This post has essentially the same question, but the suggested answer involves making an API call. I’m trying to teach students how to use Make to do some no-code automation, and the API method is more complicated than I would like.

Can some one weigh in with a better way?

Or, if I have to go the API call way, how would I reference the email address from the “Watch New Rows” module in the API call’s configuration.

Welcome to the Make community!

You can use the Google Drive “Get a Share Link” to change user permissions on a file.

Hope this helps! Let me know if there are any further questions or issues.


P.S.: Investing some effort into the Make Academy will save you lots of time and frustration using Make.

It seems strange that Get a Share Link is the correct action, rather than Update a file/folder access. But it does just want I want it to do, so thank you!

Good day , not sure if I should start my own thread or continue on this one. I’m trying to achieve something similar , I want applicants to upload their videos into a Google Drive folder ,but each applicant can only access their own folder , so my other folders and other applicant folders they don’t have access to , tried both the Update a file/folder and sharelink . Everyone can still access other folders , upload files in other folders , is there a way to restrict this ? Within the automation itself ?