Several AND operators in if() function

Hi there, sorry for what seems to be a basic programming question, but:

To set a new variable, I’m using an if() function to determine the contents of 4 prior variables: if they’re all false, I want the new variable to be true. If at least one of them is true, I want the new variable to be false.

Here is getting all 4 prior variables:

Here is setting the new variable:

And yet… here is the new variable being set to false, despite all conditions being met:

Am I using AND wrong?

Thank you so much for your help.

Hi @Bruno1

Please use the below formula.
{{if((if(2.Var_ClientinP = “false”; 1; 0) * if(2.Var_ClientinR1 = “false”; 1; 0) * if(2.Var_ClientinR2 = “false”; 1; 0) * if(2.Var_ClientinR2 = “false”; 1; 0)) = 1; true; false)}}


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Got it! Thank you so much for your help.