So I’ve been having trouble figuring out what was causing my scenario’s be deactivated. I found that when people posted links or hyperlinks on Slack the trigger would happen and the message would be sent to Discord but if another message is sent by the user or another use the scenario would deactivated due to an error stating validation failed for 1 parameter(s). Missing value of required parameter ‘user’. I’m not really understanding why or what is causing this.
Slack New Event Output: When URL or hyperlink is sent
"user": "U06SRK6NW12",
"type": "message",
"ts": "1712362841.891209",
"client_msg_id": "40421656-6cd2-4d72-a9cd-c6ccce5585bb",
"text": "<>",
"team": "T06SGGC710E",
"blocks": [
"type": "rich_text",
"block_id": "ZK8Pf",
"elements": [
"type": "rich_text_section",
"elements": [
"type": "link",
"url": ""
"channel": "C06SRKMDASY",
"event_ts": "1712362841.891209",
"channel_type": "channel"
2nd Module: Slack Get a User: Input
"user": "U06SRK6NW12"
"id": "U06SRK6NW12",
"team_id": "T06SGGC710E",
"name": "MIchael",
"deleted": false,
"color": "9f69e7",
"real_name": "Michael Huang",
"tz": "America/New_York",
"tz_label": "Eastern Daylight Time",
"tz_offset": -14400,
"profile": {
"title": "",
"phone": "",
"skype": "",
"real_name": "Michael Huang",
"real_name_normalized": "Michael Huang",
"display_name": "",
"display_name_normalized": "",
"fields": null,
"status_text": "",
"status_emoji": "",
"status_emoji_display_info": [],
"status_expiration": 0,
"avatar_hash": "f3b98bad8046",
"image_original": "",
"is_custom_image": true,
"email": "",
"huddle_state": "default_unset",
"huddle_state_expiration_ts": 0,
"first_name": "Michael",
"last_name": "Huang",
"image_24": "",
"image_32": "",
"image_48": "",
"image_72": "",
"image_192": "",
"image_512": "",
"image_1024": "",
"status_text_canonical": "",
"team": "T06SGGC710E"
"is_admin": true,
"is_owner": true,
"is_primary_owner": true,
"is_restricted": false,
"is_ultra_restricted": false,
"is_bot": false,
"is_app_user": false,
"updated": "2024-04-05T23:54:19.000Z",
"is_email_confirmed": true,
"has_2fa": false,
"who_can_share_contact_card": "EVERYONE",
"locale": "en-US"
This is what happens when I send a new message. The scenario crashes. Here is the Output for Slack new Event:
"type": "message",
"subtype": "message_changed",
"message": {
"user": "U06SRK6NW12",
"type": "message",
"client_msg_id": "40421656-6cd2-4d72-a9cd-c6ccce5585bb",
"text": "<>",
"team": "T06SGGC710E",
"attachments": [
"image_url": "",
"image_width": 1200,
"image_height": 1200,
"image_bytes": 6833,
"from_url": "",
"service_icon": "",
"id": 1,
"original_url": "",
"fallback": "YouTube",
"text": "Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube.",
"title": "YouTube",
"title_link": "",
"service_name": ""
"blocks": [
"type": "rich_text",
"block_id": "ZK8Pf",
"elements": [
"type": "rich_text_section",
"elements": [
"type": "link",
"url": ""
"ts": "1712362841.891209"
"previous_message": {
"user": "U06SRK6NW12",
"type": "message",
"ts": "1712362841.891209",
"client_msg_id": "40421656-6cd2-4d72-a9cd-c6ccce5585bb",
"text": "<>",
"team": "T06SGGC710E",
"blocks": [
"type": "rich_text",
"block_id": "ZK8Pf",
"elements": [
"type": "rich_text_section",
"elements": [
"type": "link",
"url": ""
"channel": "C06SRKMDASY",
"hidden": true,
"ts": "1712362842.006900",
"event_ts": "1712362842.006900",
"channel_type": "channel"
The second module input is blank and the output says