I am trying to create a simple scenario that simply just likes a the tracks of a particular third-party artist when they post a new track using the SoundCloud module.
This feels like it should be an extremely linear process but I have been stuck for weeks now and don’t know how to effectively resolve it. In my brain, the process should go:
Search for artist
Check their most recent tracks
IF they’ve posted something new on their page, Like it.
However, for some reason, it’s never that simple.
Lets start with step 1. Search for artist:
Okay! so I enter the artist’s username ( I have also tried their permalink), and I get people completely unrelated to them, despite me giving the exact name of who to look for and precisely their name username/permalink/ whatever. even if I run 10 bundles it doesn’t give me the correct artist.
Fine okay, you can use get user if you have their user ID but you basically have to already have that ID in order to effectively use it which to me seems stupid because if you’re looking at a users information externally they don’t display the ID number and more that point You can’t even see your own.
strong textSo then lets go to part 2 strong text- Check their most recent tracks:
Let’s pretend you figure out their ID so you can consistently pull their page (thank god). Now you need to get their most recent tracks. Logic would suggest that List, or Search a users tracks would be ideal right? RIGHT? wrong.
If you use the list tracks module you have no way of pulling their most recent tracks from the module, it will start with their oldest track every time. I mean god forbid I’d like to see what they posted most recently or even be able to enter a variable to do so.
If you list search track, it doesn’t matter if you set creation date and say the user name has to exactly match that of the users - it will still turn up random garbage made by completely different people. How does that make any sense?
If I sound frustrated its because I am. What am I missing here to be able to consistently pull up a users most recent tracks? Can someone smarter than me please give me some guidance?