Struggling with formating numbers, losing decimal points

What are you trying to achieve?

Hi all

I want to map a number i receive in one Module to another one.
For example, with the Number 2417.15, i always lose the two decimal points.
The number forwarded is just 2417.
This hasn’t happened to me once in the last months learning

Steps taken so far

I tried formatNumber() and parseNumber() but couldn’t get it to work.

Any help is greatly appreciated

Screenshots: scenario setup, module configuration, errors

Screenshot 2024-10-01 141801.png
Screenshot 2024-10-01 142508.png

Does that field itself accepts numbers with 2 decimal places? When you go into the platform is it missing the decimal places?

Hello @FPM_Support; I’m confused. Why are you formatting the number instead of just feeding in the number directly?