What are you trying to achieve?
Hi - I want to Create an online meeting using the Microsoft Teams module, but I keep getting this error: [400] Request payload cannot be null.
Steps taken so far
I think it has something to do with the time format. I have tried almost everything. Please see the screen shot for how it is now. The date and time is coming from Podio.
Thanks in advance.
Screenshots: scenario setup, module configuration, errors
Hello @mrbangp,
If you look at the input for this module after it runs, you might see what is missing.
Find the input by clicking the little bubble that pops up to the top right of the module, expand Operation 1 and find the Input section and maybe post it here.
For the dates, formatDate() gives back a string, but you need to provide a date.
formatDate() give you a string that formats a date/time how you want it to look.
parseDate() turns the text you give it into a date object that the Teams module should be able to use.
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This looks like the module ran successfully, so are you still having issues with it? Is it possible your original report was about an entirely different module?
Hi Donald
It is this module and yes it seems to run succesful but still the same failure. 
The date format is now correct. I’m now struggeling with the attendee. No matter what I put into the field, it does not work, not even if I but an email directly into the field. I do not understand why this is so complicated!
Attendees appears to be a collection object. If you scroll down is it asking for more than just an ID?
Microsoft’s Graph API can be difficult to work with. If you reference the appropriate API documentation, it might help to understand why what you’re doing isn’t working for you.
From what I can tell, ID needs to be a text identifier for a user, not their email address.
There may be another module that gives you a user’s ID based on their email.