The text parser has a bug ? All my automation are stopped

Hi everyone, @samliew @Michaela

I don’t know if it’s the same for all of you but I’m facing an issue with text parser.

Indeed, all my automation are stopped with an error that, accordign to me. Can’t be fixed by myself lol.

If you can just confirm this to me as i can warn my customers. They won’t be surprised anyway with the actual situation with Microsoft. We will figure it out while you fix the potential issue.

Good luck dev teams and have a great day

Hello @Vivien_Chantrel thank you very much for raising this in the community.

I just wanted to quickly let you know that we have escalated this to our dev team and I will make sure to share an update here once we have any further information.

If you prefer to receive updates directly in your inbox, please open a ticket with us and our support team will keep you informed.

We are very sorry for any trouble or inconvenience this may be causing.
Thank you very much for your understanding and your patience while we investigate this :pray:

Possible workaround for now:
Use the “stripHTML” function instead of using the Text Parser “HTML to Text” module.


Hi @Michaela 8!

Thanks for your quick answer.

No problem, bugs happens.

Indeed, for stripeHTML() , I had already changed but it seems the issue is for the whole Text parser App unfortunately.

I’ll send a ticket to get update.

Good luck and thanks for your help :pray:

Have a great day.

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Hello again @Vivien_Chantrel

We just received an update from the development team that the issue has been resolved.

Could you please test it and confirm if everything is now working for you? If you encounter any further issues, please let us know.

Thank you very much :pray:


hello @Michaela

Indeed, problem fixed.

Thanks a lot for your quick fix. Wasn’t expected as quick as it was.

Have a great evening!

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Great to hear that all’s up and running now! Thanks a lot for stepping back in and sharing this update with us :pray:

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