Transform an array of objects

  • Transform a variable length array of objects from a webhook step into another array of objects for use in a HTTP request body
  • When I use array iterator and array aggregator, I can’t define a custom data structure for the array aggregator to output to (the names need to change).
  • When I use array iterator and aggregator to JSON, the array iterator cannot map the values inside the packages array

example source array with 2 packages (can vary from 2 to 24)

"packages": [
            "name": "Package 1",
            "weight_in_oz": 4,
            "width": 12,
            "length": 15,
            "height": 4,
            "name": "Package 2",
            "weight_in_oz": 10,
            "width": 5,
            "length": 5,
            "height": 2,

the “extra” collection and “name” field are dropped (not mapped)

target array to be used in HTTP request body

					"parcel": {
						"length": "15",
						"width": "12",
						"height": "4",
						"weight": "4"
					"options":{ "option1":"option1_value"}	
					"parcel": {
						"length": "5",
						"width": "5",
						"height": "2",
						"weight": "10"

the “options” collection has pre-defined value so it is not mapped

Welcome to the Make community!

Yes, that is possible. You’ll need a single module:

{{replace(replace(replace(replace(1.value; "/\s*""name"":\s?""[^""]+"",/g"; """parcel"": {"); """weight_in_oz"""; """weight"""); "/,\s*""extra"":\s?{""data"":""[^""]+""}/g"; "},""options"": { ""option1"":""option1_value"" }"); """packages"":"; """shipments"":")}}



"shipments": [
        {"parcel": {
            "weight": 4,
            "width": 12,
            "length": 15,
            "height": 4},"options": { "option1":"option1_value" }
       {"parcel": {
            "weight": 10,
            "width": 5,
            "length": 5,
            "height": 2},"options": { "option1":"option1_value" }

Give it a go and let us know if you have any issues!


Do I need to use array iterator, array aggregator, then Compose a string? Using the Compose a string step right after the webhook generates an error because arrays are not allowed input.

Not if your Webhook is set to JSON pass-through Yes

Perhaps you can provide the full output bundle of your webhook?

        "value": "{\n    \"shipping_method\": \"Bluestem_FED_API\",\n    \"order_id\": 242662901,\n    \"profile\": \"bluestem\",\n    \"fulfillment_status\": \"pending\",\n    \"order_number\": \"MO31\",\n    \"shop_name\": \"Manual Order\",\n    \"account_id\": 5927,\n    \"partner_order_id\": \"MO31\",\n    \"shipping_name\": \"Manual Order Shipping Method\",\n    \"tax_type\": null,\n    \"tax_id\": null,\n    \"incoterms\": null,\n    \"currency\": \"USD\",\n    \"from_address\": {\n        \"name\": \"ShipHero\",\n        \"company_name\": \"ShipHero\",\n        \"address_1\": \"123 First St.\",\n        \"address_2\": \"\",\n        \"email\": \"\",\n        \"city\": \"Anytown\",\n        \"state\": \"CA\",\n        \"zip\": \"90210\",\n        \"country\": \"US\",\n        \"phone\": \"1234567890\"\n    },\n    \"to_address\": {\n        \"name\": \"Test Order\",\n        \"company_name\": \"\",\n        \"address_1\": \"1 MAIN ST\",\n        \"address_2\": \"\",\n        \"email\": \"\",\n        \"city\": \"Anytown\",\n        \"state\": \"CA\",\n        \"zip\": \"90210\",\n        \"country\": \"US\",\n        \"phone\": \"1234567890\"\n    },\n    \"packages\": [\n        {\n            \"name\": \"Package 1\",\n            \"weight_in_oz\": 4,\n            \"width\": 12,\n            \"length\": 15,\n            \"height\": 4,\n            \"line_items\": [\n                {\n                    \"sku\": \"shiphero-socks-black\",\n                    \"tariff_code\": \"\",\n                    \"price\": 0,\n                    \"customs_description\": \"ShipHero Socks - Black\",\n                    \"customs_value\": \"0.01\",\n                    \"line_item_id\": 639727287,\n                    \"quantity\": 1,\n                    \"weight\": 1.92,\n                    \"partner_line_item_id\": \"MO31-299273207\",\n                    \"id\": \"MO31-299273207\",\n                    \"country_of_manufacture\": \"\",\n                    \"product_name\": \"ShipHero Socks - Black\",\n                    \"name\": \"ShipHero Socks - Black\",\n                    \"ignore_on_customs\": false\n               },\n               {\n                   \"sku\": \"shiphero-socks-blue\",\n                   \"tariff_code\": \"\",\n                   \"price\": 0,\n                   \"customs_description\": \"ShipHero Socks - Blue\",\n                   \"customs_value\": \"0.01\",\n                   \"line_item_id\": 639727288,\n                   \"quantity\": 1,\n                   \"weight\": 1.92,\n                   \"partner_line_item_id\": \"MO31-299273245\",\n                   \"id\": \"MO31-299273245\",\n                   \"country_of_manufacture\": \"\",\n                   \"product_name\": \"ShipHero Socks - Blue\",\n                   \"name\": \"ShipHero Socks - Blue\",\n                   \"ignore_on_customs\": false\n              }\n        ],\n        \"box_code\": \"custom\",\n        \"box_id\": 5612,\n        \"box_name\": \"12x15 Poly Mailer\"\n    },\n    {\n        \"name\": \"Package 2\",\n        \"weight_in_oz\": 1.08,\n        \"width\": 8,\n        \"length\": 12,\n        \"height\": 2,\n        \"line_items\": [\n            {\n                \"sku\": \"shiphero-hero\",\n                \"tariff_code\": \"\",\n                \"price\": 0,\n                \"customs_description\": \"ShipHero Hero \",\n                \"customs_value\": \"0.01\",\n                \"line_item_id\": 639727284,\n                \"quantity\": 1,\n                \"weight\": 0.92,\n                \"partner_line_item_id\": \"MO31-299273995\",\n                \"id\": \"MO31-299273995\",\n                \"country_of_manufacture\": \"\",\n                \"product_name\": \"ShipHero Hero \",\n                \"name\": \"ShipHero Hero \",\n                \"ignore_on_customs\": false\n            },\n            {\n                \"sku\": \"shiphero-knit-hat\",\n                \"tariff_code\": \"\",\n                \"price\": 0,\n                \"customs_description\": \"ShipHero Knit Hat \",\n                \"customs_value\": \"0.01\",\n                \"line_item_id\": 639727285,\n                \"quantity\": 1,\n                \"weight\": 2.19,\n                \"partner_line_item_id\": \"MO31-299273169\",\n                \"id\": \"MO31-299273169\",\n                \"country_of_manufacture\": \"\",\n                \"product_name\": \"ShipHero Knit Hat \",\n                \"name\": \"ShipHero Knit Hat \",\n                \"ignore_on_customs\": false\n            }\n        ],\n        \"box_code\": \"custom\",\n        \"box_id\": 5565,\n        \"box_name\": \"2 x 8 Poly Mailer\"\n       }\n    ]\n}"

There are more data in the collection than I need. I only need to keep “weight_in_oz”, “width”, “length”, and “height” from each collection inside package array.

Great, you should always start off your question with the actual data.

Now that it is known that your incoming webhook request data is complex, you’ll need to set JSON pass-through “NO” initially.

You’ll need a minimum of four modules to process the data:

1. Iterate Packages array and Aggregate the fields

2. Transform array to JSON


3. Compose a String


Paste this into the field to get the above screenshot

"shipments":{{replace(replace(replace(17.json; "weight_in_oz"; "weight"); "{"; "{""package"":{"); "}"; "},""options"":{""option1"":""option1_value""}}")}}

Replace/remap the variables accordingly.



Give it a go and let us know if you have any issues!


Here’s another way to do it.

If you still have JSON pass-through “YES”, you can reduce the number of modules by 1

1. Use a Text parser with this regex pattern, AND Global match set to “Yes”


Regex test:

2. Text aggregate each results into your desired JSON, add comma in-between results

3. Wrap the resulting array with your key (shipments)




Thank you very much for optimizing the solution.

The second solution is producing no output at the text parser.

I copied your regex and enabled Global Match. Did I choose a wrong setting?

The second solution requires JSON Pass-Through “No”.

This is because the Match Pattern module only accepts a string as input.


To clarify, Match Pattern needs webhook JSON passthrough = “No”? I get output as [collection][collection] when set to “No”. When set to “Yes”, no output value.

Sorry, I meant Yes, as mentioned at the top of the post.

Is this what you’re getting from the Webhook when it’s set to Pass-through Yes?

If yes, you have to “Parse JSON” one time before you can use the value variable in the Text Parser module.


Yes, that is what I get when Pass-through = “Yes”. Adding a Parse JSON step before the text parser gives error: missing value of required parameter ‘json’. I had automatically determine the data structure.

This is what it should look like

To further assist you, I’ll need the input and output bundles of your Text Parser module.


Text Parser input:

        "text": "{\n    \"shipping_method\": \"Bluestem_FED_API\",\n    \"order_id\": 242662901,\n    \"profile\": \"bluestem\",\n    \"fulfillment_status\": \"pending\",\n    \"order_number\": \"MO31\",\n    \"shop_name\": \"Manual Order\",\n    \"account_id\": 5927,\n    \"partner_order_id\": \"MO31\",\n    \"shipping_name\": \"Manual Order Shipping Method\",\n    \"tax_type\": null,\n    \"tax_id\": null,\n    \"incoterms\": null,\n    \"currency\": \"USD\",\n    \"from_address\": {\n        \"name\": \"ShipHero\",\n        \"company_name\": \"ShipHero\",\n        \"address_1\": \"123 First St.\",\n        \"address_2\": \"\",\n        \"email\": \"\",\n        \"city\": \"Anytown\",\n        \"state\": \"CA\",\n        \"zip\": \"90210\",\n        \"country\": \"US\",\n        \"phone\": \"1234567890\"\n    },\n    \"to_address\": {\n        \"name\": \"Test Order\",\n        \"company_name\": \"\",\n        \"address_1\": \"1 MAIN ST\",\n        \"address_2\": \"\",\n        \"email\": \"\",\n        \"city\": \"Anytown\",\n        \"state\": \"CA\",\n        \"zip\": \"90210\",\n        \"country\": \"US\",\n        \"phone\": \"1234567890\"\n    },\n    \"packages\": [\n        {\n            \"name\": \"Package 1\",\n            \"weight_in_oz\": 4,\n            \"width\": 12,\n            \"length\": 15,\n            \"height\": 4,\n            \"line_items\": [\n                {\n                    \"sku\": \"shiphero-socks-black\",\n                    \"tariff_code\": \"\",\n                    \"price\": 0,\n                    \"customs_description\": \"ShipHero Socks - Black\",\n                    \"customs_value\": \"0.01\",\n                    \"line_item_id\": 639727287,\n                    \"quantity\": 1,\n                    \"weight\": 1.92,\n                    \"partner_line_item_id\": \"MO31-299273207\",\n                    \"id\": \"MO31-299273207\",\n                    \"country_of_manufacture\": \"\",\n                    \"product_name\": \"ShipHero Socks - Black\",\n                    \"name\": \"ShipHero Socks - Black\",\n                    \"ignore_on_customs\": false\n               },\n               {\n                   \"sku\": \"shiphero-socks-blue\",\n                   \"tariff_code\": \"\",\n                   \"price\": 0,\n                   \"customs_description\": \"ShipHero Socks - Blue\",\n                   \"customs_value\": \"0.01\",\n                   \"line_item_id\": 639727288,\n                   \"quantity\": 1,\n                   \"weight\": 1.92,\n                   \"partner_line_item_id\": \"MO31-299273245\",\n                   \"id\": \"MO31-299273245\",\n                   \"country_of_manufacture\": \"\",\n                   \"product_name\": \"ShipHero Socks - Blue\",\n                   \"name\": \"ShipHero Socks - Blue\",\n                   \"ignore_on_customs\": false\n              }\n        ],\n        \"box_code\": \"custom\",\n        \"box_id\": 5612,\n        \"box_name\": \"12x15 Poly Mailer\"\n    },\n    {\n        \"name\": \"Package 2\",\n        \"weight_in_oz\": 1.08,\n        \"width\": 8,\n        \"length\": 12,\n        \"height\": 2,\n        \"line_items\": [\n            {\n                \"sku\": \"shiphero-hero\",\n                \"tariff_code\": \"\",\n                \"price\": 0,\n                \"customs_description\": \"ShipHero Hero \",\n                \"customs_value\": \"0.01\",\n                \"line_item_id\": 639727284,\n                \"quantity\": 1,\n                \"weight\": 0.92,\n                \"partner_line_item_id\": \"MO31-299273995\",\n                \"id\": \"MO31-299273995\",\n                \"country_of_manufacture\": \"\",\n                \"product_name\": \"ShipHero Hero \",\n                \"name\": \"ShipHero Hero \",\n                \"ignore_on_customs\": false\n            },\n            {\n                \"sku\": \"shiphero-knit-hat\",\n                \"tariff_code\": \"\",\n                \"price\": 0,\n                \"customs_description\": \"ShipHero Knit Hat \",\n                \"customs_value\": \"0.01\",\n                \"line_item_id\": 639727285,\n                \"quantity\": 1,\n                \"weight\": 2.19,\n                \"partner_line_item_id\": \"MO31-299273169\",\n                \"id\": \"MO31-299273169\",\n                \"country_of_manufacture\": \"\",\n                \"product_name\": \"ShipHero Knit Hat \",\n                \"name\": \"ShipHero Knit Hat \",\n                \"ignore_on_customs\": false\n            }\n        ],\n        \"box_code\": \"custom\",\n        \"box_id\": 5565,\n        \"box_name\": \"2 x 8 Poly Mailer\"\n       }\n    ]\n}"

Text Parser Output:



The only things I can think of, is the pattern need to be copied exactly the same, with no leading or trailing spaces.

Try coping the pattern directly from the link instead

If this doesn’t work, either use the first method, or you might have to invite me into your Team to take a look.


Thanks for the tip! I trimmed the regex and it is working now. However, I have a new problem: JSON passthrough appears to break the mapping in the subsequent HTTP module for other fields. So if I need other fields to map to subsequent steps, I need to modify the regex to match more patterns?

If you need other mappings other than just the packages, then the first option with JSON pass-through may be more appropriate.

Although you can just Parse JSON on the original Webhook value.


Thank you once again, I’ve learned a lot from you.

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No problem, glad I could help!


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@samliew I have another question. I’m using a router at the beginning of the scenario to branch the scenario depending on the length of the packages array. Since len(packages)=1 is more common, should I just disable json passthrough to make mapping easier and use Transform to JSON and Parse JSON before Text Parser? I’ve attached the blueprint.

I had an issue with the first solution you posted since the webhook passed dimension values as number but I need to convert them to string, the replace function couldn’t fix that.