Trigger webhook on new file upload on Google Drive

You must remember that this code takes into account the time of the last modification of the file – which means that if you upload a file that has been created/last modified a long time ago, it won’t fire the automation.

Try to open the file, do a minor change and save it, so the last modified time is updated – and then upload it to the folder.
You can also edit this time range, modifying the time on the isRecentlyCreated() function.

function isRecentlyCreated(file) {
  const now = new Date();
  const threshold = 60 * 1000; // Check for files created in the last minute (adjust as needed)
  return now - file.getLastUpdated() < threshold;

Try this out and see if it works.

Hi Hugo,

I believe I did everything correctly.

From the drive folder ID to the Make webhook URL till the new creation and modification of the file, but still I’m receiving the error

It seems that you are trying to execute the isRecentlyCreated() function manually there – that’s not necessary.

Go to the triggers section (the stopwatch icon, on the left bar) and check whether you have the triggers created or not. If you don’t, then go back to the code section and select the function main() and execute it. Then check back if the triggers are there.

With the triggers in place your project should start monitoring the folder for recently created files (and as I said before, you can adjust the threshold of how much time is “recently” for you case).

Check that and see if that solve it.

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Hi @hugoassuncao thank you for this script, I know it will be so useful. I am close but not getting data to the webhook and think maybe I am missing a step.

Things I’ve done

  • entered folder ID

  • updated files in that folder

  • added webhook url

  • I can’t see a ‘Resources’ section in my Scripts interface but I did receive a pop up to link my Google account which I accepted

What isn’t working

  • ‘Triggers’ is empty

  • I’ve run the script many times, and received one webhook response at one point (maybe the permission?) but it was empty

  • No specific errors are showing, but no data is getting to the webhook

I attach a couple of screenshots and would be grateful if you can see what I am doing wrong!

Thank you :pray:

Did you executed the funciton main(), in order to enable the trigger that will make the script run?
See on your screencapture the “myFunction” dropwdown menu?
Select the “main” function and click “Run”.

Then go to the left side panel, on the “Triggers” section and check if there is a trigger created.
Google Apps Script needs to run this script on a time basis in order to send the new files payload to your webhook.

And keep in mind that the script consider the last update on the file – so if it’s an old file - not updated recently, won’t work.

Hi @hugoassuncao thank you, although yes, I have done all those things:

  • the ‘Execution log’ in my first original screenshot shows after I have Run the function (called ‘myfunction’ not ‘main’)

Screenshot 2024-06-24 at 15.35.01

  • I have added recent files to the folder - both new and updated
  • Triggers is still blank
  • I have checked the Folder ID
    I can’t think why it’s not working?!
    Is there anything else I’m missing?
    Thank you

It’s strange that you have a function named “myFunction” at this point.
I suspect you kind of encapsulated the code in that original function (that is created automatically, when you create a new project).

Do this: copy the original code again, erase everything you have and replace the folder ID and webhook URL again.

Then run the “main” function and go to the “Triggers” section to see if the trigger has been created. You should see a trigger to run the function “checkForNewFiles”.

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@hugoassuncao thank you for your help.
I’ve found that the script has been working successfully with the webhook in Make, even though I still can’t see any triggers!

It also works whether or not it’s called myfunction or main - both are good.

So thank you, great that it is working!

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