Growwstacks say the regex is the problem.
When i test i don`t think this is the case.
I think the problem is that we need to match the invoice numbers to the customer.
In this case invoice 100542 is for customer 10001 and 100543 is for 10349.
How can i make it know that next invoice number is next customer ?
In addition, the first line of each invoice is marked with customer number.
According to Growwstacks this is not possible, but i find that hard to believe.
If you check the blueprint, you can see that they have rearranged the modules you made for me last time. Can this be part of the issue?
EX :
@Actor (=CustNo,SupNo,Nm,Ad1,Ad2,Ad3,PNo,PArea,Phone,Fax,MailAd,BsNo,BGiro,Ctry,Lang,Cur,CPmtTrm,SPmtTrm)
"10001";"0";"Bergli Montasje AS";"Tore Hunds vei 17";"";"";"8400";"Sortland";"";"";"";"916525672";"";"47";"47";"";"15";"15"
"10349";"0";"Carrier Transicold scandinavia Norsk Avd";"Brages veg 8";"";"";"2060";"Gardermoen";"";"";"";"980441768";"";"47";"47";"";"15";"15"
@WaBnd (ValDt, SrcTp, Descr)
"20240508" "12" "Quick3 Import"
@WaVo (VoNo,VoDt,ValDt,VoTp,Txt,DbAcNo,DbTrnCl,DbTxCd,CrAcNo,CrTrnCl,CrTxCd,Am,InvoNo,DueDt,VatAm,R1,R2,R7,CID,Txt2,AGRef)