I am trying to automate order collection from my shop. We use order sheets because our product is configurable, customer can select color, size, and many other choices. I am using pdf.co to read order’s sheet values. Then i am processing them to JSON and send them to chatGPT to sort order and collect important information. As a response i get long string build like:
“System”: “Disting”,
“Kolekcja”: “Astre”,
“Model”: “21”,
“Kolor”: “antracyt”,
“Rodzaj progu”: “Niski”,
“Kolor progu”: “nox”,
“Rozmiar”: “90N”,
“Kierunek”: “Prawe”,
“Otwieranie”: “ONZ”,
“Szklenie”: “ustro”,
“Okucia klamka”: “komplet okuc ST Standard”,
“Okucia pochwyt”: “pochwyt Profile 120 cm inox”,
“Akcesoria”: “elektrozaczep”,
“Ilosc”: “1”,
“Uwagi”: “czarna oscieznica”
“System”: “Disting Plus”,
“Kolekcja”: “Ezio”,
“Model”: “12”,
“Kolor”: “antracyt struktura”,
“Rodzaj progu”: “Wysoki”,
“Kolor progu”: “Inox”,
“Rozmiar”: “80N”,
“Kierunek”: “Lewe”,
“Otwieranie”: “ODW”,
“Szklenie”: “satyna”,
“Okucia klamka”: “komplet okuc ST Standard”,
“Okucia pochwyt”: “pochwyt Profile 170 cm inox”,
“Akcesoria”: “poszerzenie 5 cm”,
“Ilosc”: “2”,
“Uwagi”: “czarna ościeżnica”
“System”: “Basic”,
“Kolekcja”: “Figaro”,
“Model”: “12”,
“Kolor”: “bialy”,
“Rodzaj progu”: “—”,
“Kolor progu”: “Inox”,
“Rozmiar”: “80E”,
“Kierunek”: “Prawe”,
“Otwieranie”: “ONZ”,
“Szklenie”: “satyna-paski”,
“Okucia klamka”: “komplet okuc ST Standard”,
“Okucia pochwyt”: “pochwyt Profile 170 cm patina”,
“Akcesoria”: “podwalina 20 cm”,
“Ilosc”: “3”,
“Uwagi”: “ościeżnica w kolorze\n czarnym”
“System”: “Normal”,
“Kolekcja”: “Liberto”,
“Model”: “12”,
“Kolor”: “dab zloty”,
“Rodzaj progu”: “—”,
“Kolor progu”: “Inox”,
“Rozmiar”: “90E”,
“Kierunek”: “Lewe”,
“Otwieranie”: “ODW”,
“Szklenie”: “czarny antisol”,
“Okucia klamka”: “komplet okuc ST Standard”,
“Okucia pochwyt”: “pochwyt Profile 120 cm patina”,
“Akcesoria”: “samozamykacz”,
“Ilosc”: “4”,
“Uwagi”: “osc. czarna”
“System”: “Normal Plus”,
“Kolekcja”: “Mario”,
“Model”: “12”,
“Kolor”: “dab turner”,
“Rodzaj progu”: “—”,
“Kolor progu”: “Patina”,
“Rozmiar”: “100E”,
“Kierunek”: “Prawe”,
“Otwieranie”: “ONZ”,
“Szklenie”: “loft 01”,
“Okucia klamka”: “komplet okuc ST Standard Czarny”,
“Okucia pochwyt”: “pochwyt Profile 170 cm patina”,
“Akcesoria”: “wizjer”,
“Ilosc”: “5”,
“Uwagi”: “czarna oscieznica”
Each object in array is one position from PDF. (find it attached)
ChatGPT returns it as Long String and i need to turn it into array of objects to loop through and fill airtable columns with data.
Please help me to do that!
Zamówienie drzwi Zewnętrzne test auto.pdf (271.9 KB)