Unable To Pull Entire Array Outputs

Hi Everyone,

I’m unable to pull the entire Output data from an array for a WooCommerce > Slack automation. I can see the data when I run a test for the automation however when I go to look for the data in later steps, it won’t show the array data. Any solutions for this?

You may need to save your scenario and reload the page to see new outputs in the menus in Make. This tends to happen more if you’re adding new inputs early in your scenario

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Unfortunately this doesn’t work either. I tried to use a webhook instead of a watch order action as well and I get even less data from a pull. I’m hoping for a solution as i’ve been at this for a vey very long time lol

Could you share your blueprint? I don’t have an active Woo account currently so this might be tricky for me to look at my side but I’ll give it a shot

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We solved New Event not giving order data by just taking the order ID (Object ID) and using the Get Order module after.

Then the issue was to get the line items from the order, which we achieved by using Iterator on the Line Items array, and Text Aggregatoring them into a string ready to place into the Slack messages.

Welcome to the Make community!

When you see ARRAY, think ITERATOR.



Every result (item/record) from iterator/list/search/match modules will output a bundle. This can result in multiple bundles, which then trigger multiple operations in future modules (one operation per bundle). To “combine” multiple bundles into a single variable, you’ll need to use an aggregator of some sort.

Aggregators are modules that accumulate multiple bundles into one single bundle. An example of a commonly-used aggregator module is the Array aggregator module. The next popular aggregator is the Text Aggregator which is very flexible and can apply to many use-cases like building of JSON, CSV, HTML.

There are other types of aggregator modules, click the below links to find out more:

Hope this helps! Let me know if there are any further questions or issues.


P.S.: Investing some effort into the Make Academy will save you lots of time and frustration using Make.