Unsupported request - method type: get (100, GraphMethodException)

Trying to use the ‘Facebook groups - watch post’ module but I keep getting the following message :


  • type


  • message

Unsupported request - method type: get (100, GraphMethodException)".

It worked perfectly for many month but now it just stopped working. How can I fix this ?

I use the exact same module for another facebook group with the same profile and it works.

Hello @PFP

Have you tried reconnecting the module ?

Don’t hesitate to contact us if you require further assistance.


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You need to reset your trigger webbook…

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I did. I created a new connection and also deleted and reloaded the app on my facebook group page. Now I have the following message from the module : “Please reduce the amount of data you’re asking for, then retry your request (1, ).”

Not sure to understand as I don’t use a webhook in my scenario


I don’t have the " Unsupported request - method type: get (100, GraphMethodException)" message anymore.

Now my Facebook module ‘watch post’ says:


  • type


  • message

Please reduce the amount of data you’re asking for, then retry your request (1, )"

My limit is set to 1.
I’m also using this exact same module for another facebook group and I don’t have any issue of data load limit
