- I create a Speech file with elevenlabs and I want to write i to an Airtable (update an existing record).
- The mp3 is generated correctly and since I did not find a direct solution to update it in the airtable, I first uploaded it to Google Drive and then I wanted to update the Airtable record. The file is correctly upload to Google Drive.
- When I then try to update the Airtable record, it doesn’t work, it just empty.
- When I create a new record with the file it does work!
- In some templates in make I saw another solution by adding a Google Drive Get Shared Link module but no matter which settings and combinations I use, the Airtable Record is not updated.
- The mp3 ist <100kb in size
I attached two blueprints here.
blueprint (1).json (80.2 KB)
blueprint.json (51.1 KB)