Updating Wordpress Post Category using AI and Category ID

Hey all,
I tried my best following some solutions that the community offers but it seems not to work!
I am trying something very simple:
New Post WordPress Trigger (status Draft) > AI reads post and decide which category it belongs to and returns category ID from list > WordPress Update Post (update category of post)


I have tried using direct text answer, empty array, aggregator … and I keep getting the error:
The operation failed with an error. [400] Invalid parameter(s): categories (error code: rest_invalid_param) categories: categories[0] is not of type integer.

I did “out smart” the issue by using the “round” function (well it worked ! :crazy_face: )
But I am sure this is not a healthy practice!

I am having extreme difficulty getting tags & categories to work as well with Update / Create Post from an Air table.

I would love to see someone’s working example if they have one.