Hello Community !
I’m scratching my head over how to upload a JSON file to Slack when using a Bot connection (which can’t use the Upload a file module of Slack app) and the Slack app’s Make an API Call module.
I have tried using a personal connection and the Upload a file module and that works. I create the json using the JSON app and upload it using the module. Works.
But when I’m limited to use a bot connection I’m unable to progress. I’m following Slack’s documentation of the /files.upload endpoint, but I keep getting Error: invalid_form_data (200).
from Slack.
Here’s the underlying request captured in Integromat dev tools
And here’s the request which is made from the native Upload a File module - this runs successfully
I’m also attaching the Blueprint of the non-functioning scenario.
blueprint.json (6.7 KB)
Any idea how to format the data for Slack to handle the upload? I can obiously see the discrepancy in the value
field, but I have no clue if that’s the core of the problem, nor how to actually get to a value like IMTBuffer
Cheers! Daniel