Upload files to Brevo using API Call

Hello everyone,

I have an issue that I can’t resolve. I created a scenario in which I download a file using the HTTP module. Then, I want to retrieve the file and send it to the Brevo API at the /v3/crm/files endpoint (source: Upload a file).

The problem I’m encountering is that the output I get from the HTTP module is buffered. Do you know how to help me?

I send an email too with Brevo with an attachment successfuly

Thank you in advance!

What do you mean by "buffered?? That it takes too long to send? Could it be because the remote server is throttling your upload?

If that’s not what you mean, let me know.

Hi L_Duperval,

The content of the file uploaded in Brevo is

$ cat file.pdf

Here is the configuration of the module:

I think my problem looks like this one (File in API call multipart/form-data - #5 by Manuel_Negro) but there is no solution in the thread.

Tell me if i’m not clear :slight_smile:

Thank you in advance