Uploading image from google drive to google sheets


I am working on a scenario which takes the receipts send through whatsapp (I am using twilio whatsapp sandbox) and outputs the extracted the texts from receipts along with the receipt image in google sheets. The image I got from twilio is in the binary code format and to post images in google sheets I am using “=IMAGE(“url”)” formula. I decided to store the binary image in google drive and then use url from google drive to upload image in google sheet. I am unable to do so as the image comes out as blank in google sheets. Is it because the google drive web content view url not suitable for this process or is there an alternative method for this?

Thanks in advance

I believe so. I think for this function to work it needs to be a publicly accessible file meaning google drive and dropbox links will not work.

Given that its a receipt that can contain sensitive information you probably don’t want the file to be publicly accessible either ways.

Do you need the image itself to showup on the Google sheets? You could just add the link to the file as a work around and when the user hovers over it the preview image will still show.

Hope this helps!

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Thank you for your response!