Use Mailjet Template Variables


I have a question.
I try send email templates via mailjet - that works fine, but I try to set variables in the template and also then the keys in the scenario but it does not work, does not matter how I enter the variable in the scenario, the emails I receive only show the variabel but not the value.

Would be great if some of you could help me with that.

Here are some pictures:

Example Code given by Mailjet:


Scenario setup variables:

Input Bundle:

I don’t know how, I already tried several variants for the key but none of them are working:

Thank you for your help!!

Hi ! did you have any response or did you find a solution ? I have exactly the same problem ! Thanks !

sadly not I do not have a solution yet :frowning:

We had the same issue and then we changed “template language” from “no” to “yes” and it worked
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